Spotify Premium

Spotify Premium image

Using streaming services or software subscriptions can be done in two different ways: Shared and Personal. These two options offer different benefits and cater to various user needs and preferences.

Shared: 👥
When using a shared account ("Shared"), multiple people share a single account. This option is more cost-effective as the costs are split among the users. It is a popular choice for families, roommates, or friends who want to share an account. However, while it is cheaper, it offers less privacy since the account is accessible to multiple users. Despite this, there are no other disadvantages.

You are not allowed to change Email or Password, this will void warranty immediately

Personal: 🔒
With a personal account ("Personal"), you get your own individual account. You will receive a unique email and password, which ensures that your account is 100% secure and guaranteed to be yours alone. This option provides maximum privacy and security, as no one else has access to your account.

Lifetime: ♾️
In our Lifetime offer we provide you with access that lasts as long as our service exists. You will be invited to one of our family accounts and can use your own account. As long as we exist, we guarantee lifetime replacements in case you are removed from the family account.

Step 1

Buy the License key and wait for delivery.

Step 2

Join our Discord Server

Step 3

Message our bot (Spotify Selfservice) with /upgrade